Pencombe Phone Number - 01885

Pencombe is a township, parish, and village located in Herefordshire around 11 miles from Hereford. Pencombe is an active community of about 350 people, mostly commuters to Hereford.

The 01885 area code also covers the nearby towns of Munderfield and Kyre, giving you a total population reach of around 1,000 residents and numerous local businesses.

Buy a Local UK number and have it pointed to your existing landline or mobile phone.

•    Minimum term is just 30 days
•    Receive fully itemised bills showing you who has called, time of call and length of call
•    Make your business look like it is based in your chosen town or city
•    Network and Technical Support
•    Your own dedicated Account Manager
•    Online Account Access
•    Payment Options to suit you
•    Extra features to make the most of your number
•    Excellent call quality – carried over tier 1 networks

We already supply thousands of phone numbers to other companies across the world, so don’t delay – order your UK Local Number from Brayford Numbers today!

We already supply thousands of phone numbers to other companies across the world, so don’t delay – order your Virtual Local Number from Brayford Numbers today!

Advertising your business with a 01885 number will help you gain business from Pencombe and its surrounding areas. If you already advertise in the area, but don’t have a local prefix, how do people know you are a local company?

Companies with 01885 numbers include:-

Claymore Plastics LLP. – 01885 400278
Polytec Austria UK Ltd. – 01885 483000
Hydro-Logic Ltd. – 01885 483789

Pencombe Phone Number - 01885

Order your Number Below

Number Setup    Rental*  Quantity
01885 Number £15.00 £5.00

* - Monthly rental
All prices exclude VAT.